International Women’s Day #BalanceforBetter


International Women’s Day #BalanceforBetter.

Today is International Women’s Day the campaign theme for 2019 is #BalanceforBetter. A message that resonates with me as a Meditator but also something we we can all bring into action everyday.

How good are you at balancing on one foot or even both feet?

I remember years ago reading about gymnasts starting their training on the balance beam by walking along a plank suspended just a few inches above the ground. As time went by confidence grew and the board got increasingly narrower and was placed higher so that eventually the gymnast felt comfortable working on a balance beam which is just 4 inches wide and 16 feet, 5 inches long, sitting 4 feet off of the floor, supported by a leg or stand at both ends.

For many people balance seems to be maintained by being in perpetual motion on a virtual tightrope.

If there is a head wind a slight adjustment of weight and posture will correct the imbalance and this system can be applied to whatever direction the de-stabilising force is coming from. There are many people today bent over in an attempt to keep going, to maintain direction and get to the desired destination, but it appears to be at enormous personal cost both physically and mentally.

One of the fascinating fundamental aspects of Vedic Meditation is having the opportunity to rebalance daily - to take twenty minutes to recalibrate and adjust so that when we get back out into the day we are no longer stooped under the weight, real or imagined, which has the potential to break us, or blown us off course. 

Taking time to re-connect

Taking time to re-connect with your self, the real you that only you can access and know in a moment of stillness and quiet, is one of the great benefits of Vedic Meditation.

For many people the idea of change is frightening and to be avoided but when the ‘new’ emerges it is the dynamic action, the kinetic energy, the potential which is when life is at its most lively. We don’t want to get stuck in the rut of the ‘ever repeating known’, where everything becomes dull and dusty. We want to thrive in the natural cycle of change, not clinging on to what is slipping away.

Getting our centre of balance in place and maintaining it with a simple technique used daily will ensure we develop and thrive.

Find out more about how Vedic Meditation can benefit you by attending one of our free, no obligation introductory talks. Book online here.

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